Building Plans for Home Styles
Global Sigma Tech has a general base of home models with optimal floor plans to create the perfect dwelling. But don’t let that limit your imagination, we can create exactly the plan for the type of building you need. The SigmaKit™ comes with a complete array of elements to assemble a 72 square meter house in no more than 7 days. We also have home plans that include a 5 story apartment building.
Global Sigma Tech products can also be used for many applications: schools, hospitals, emergency shelters, emergency kits in case of natural disasters, and of course, single family homes, etc.
Get a quote on your project
Model 1
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
Model 2
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
Model 3
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
Model 4
623 SQ/FT
3 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom