GlobalSigmaTech is a new technology composed of new materials and uses a construction system which allows the building of a 1000 square foot house with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths- in just 15 days at an extremely affordable cost. This building system has been tested by a highly respected materials lab in Dade County, Florida.
Get all of the unique SigmaCrete™ products combined into a complete kit. Our SigmaKit™ dwellings are strong, simple to build, energy efficient and top quality.
The SigmaKit™ comes with a complete array of elements to assemble a 72 square meter house in no more than 7 days. The Kit comes complete with:
• All panels: Roof, walls, floors
• Doors, interior and exterior
• Electrical Wires
• Plumbing
• Bathrooms components
• Floor tiles
• Windows
SigmaKit™ is great for homes, schools, medical, government, emergency, apartment building, and any other living-working facility that you can imagine.
• Panelized built structures are significantly more energy efficient.
• Panelized buildings are stronger, in-depth laboratory testing has found them to be superior in both sheer resistance and tensile strength.
• Panelized buildings are frequently found to be the only structures left standing after earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
• Panelized homes and buildings are significantly quieter.
• When ventilated properly, panelized structures have reduced air infiltration.
• Panelized structures have superior indoor air quality.
• Panelized buildings can be put up significantly faster.
• Panelized installation produces significantly less job site waste. Most of the small amount of waste that is produced can be recycled.
• Panelized Houses allow to be expandable.
Even a trainee handyman will be able to build the home of their dreams with our affordable and easy to assemble homes. You can save thousands building with one of our panelized kits. Our panelized homes are far superior to any building materials used to build homes today. They are stronger, easier to build and are more energy efficient than stick built construction.
GlobalSigmaTech is a new technology composed of new materials and uses a construction system which allows the building of a 1000 square foot house with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths- in just 15 days at an extremely affordable cost. This building system has been tested by a highly respected materials lab in Dade County, Florida.
SigmaKit™ has many different building applications. We have built schools in Uganda, medical centers in Panama, and government offices in Central America. Our SigmaKit™ dwellings are strong, simple to build, energy efficient and top quality.
The SigmaKit™ product has been utilized in major emergency and disaster areas. Because of the ease of transport, assembly and durability, our product can be used the world over in any climate, in any location.
Global Sigma Tech has a general base of home models with optimal floor plans to create the perfect dwelling. But don’t let that limit your imagination, we can create exactly the plan for the type of building you need. The SigmaKit™ comes with a complete array of elements to assemble a 72 square meter house in no more than 7 days. We also have home plans that include a 5 story apartment building.
Global Sigma Tech products can also be used for many applications: schools, hospitals, emergency shelters, emergency kits in case of natural disasters, and of course, single family homes, etc.
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
520 SQ/FT
2 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom
623 SQ/FT
3 Bedrooms/ 1 Bathroom